Please complete the questionnaire if you would like to reserve a puppy.
Honeywheat Kennel
Breeder-Catherine Wesley
5434 4th Line,
R.R. # 2 Hillsburgh
Ontario Canada
N0B 1Z0
The cost of a Wheaten puppy is $4,000.00 in Canadian Dollars. All breeding stock has been OFA x-rayed, eye CERF, and blood & urine screened. There is a 18 Month health guarantee for congenital life threatening defects. *If you would like to reserve a puppy please complete and return this form with a $1,500.00 non-refundable deposit. PLEASE NOTE: DISCLAIMER UPON SUBMITTING YOUR DEPOSIT TO RESERVE A PUPPY YOU AGREE AND UNDERSTAND THAT IF YOU DECIDE TO CANCEL OR PURCHASE A PUPPY ELSEWHERE YOUR DEPOSIT WILL BE NON-REFUNDABLE. ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BREEDER ALSO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL A SALE AND REFUND THE POTENTIAL OWNER IF NEEDED. Although we appreciate your preference of male/female puppy, we cannot guarantee you to receive your preference of sex. The breeder will select a puppy for you, which best suits your needs of you and your family. Please use box below for comments or questions